Long Island Workers Comp Lawyer Helping Injured Municipal Workers and Public Employees
If you are injured as an employee of New York, a NYC hospital, the Metropolitan Transit Authority (MTA), the Port Authority, or a New York county or school district (other than police officers, firefighters and uniformed sanitation workers, who have a separate claims system), you have the same New York workers’ compensation rights as anyone in the private sector and have a right to seek legal counsel with an experienced workplace injury lawyer. Our Long Island workers comp lawyer is here to help and has offices across Long Island.
However, you may encounter complications in dealing with the employer because of special civil service and union rules dealing with workers’ compensation claims. Many of these rules are very helpful to injured workers, but they also make your claim more complicated. For example, if you are paid a full salary while off for a workers’ compensation claim, you may need to go to a formal hearing before a judge to get your sick or vacation time restored. Our job is to maximize any workers’ compensation award you are due, even beyond any salary already paid to you.
Turley Redmond & Rosasco, L.L.P., has represented injured municipal and civil service workers in New York City and Long Island for more than 25 years. We know the special issues that arise with New York and other municipal employees and can resolve any problems successfully. We currently represent multiple local civil service unions in the New York area, from maintenance workers to secretaries to plumbers to garbage men to custodians. Having represented thousands of municipal and public workers who were injured on the job, we can anticipate or address any problems that arise with your
Hardworking Workers Comp Lawyers Fighting for Public Employees
Our attorneys have advocated for individuals in every category of government services, including:
- Police officers and corrections personnel
- EMTs and firefighters
- Transportation workers
- Sanitation workers
- Park rangers and “parks and rec” employees
- Teachers and school employees
- Custodians and utility plant workers
- Building inspectors
- Clerical staff
- Administrators
Note: We do not represent NYC teachers, police, firefighters or uniformed sanitation employees in workers’ comp claims, as they are covered under their own claims system. However, we do represent their counterparts in Nassau County and Suffolk County (Long Island), as well as nonteaching personnel of the New York Public Schools.
Every lawyer at our workers comp law firm has handled occupational hazard cases, such as emergency personnel and police officer injuries from traffic collisions or violent encounters with suspects and patients. We have also represented municipal workers in more mundane claims such as workplace slip-and-falls or
Regardless of the nature of the injury, we are committed to seeing that clients get the maximum disability benefits they deserve and the medical treatment they need. We assist clients with initial claims, and are prepared to fight for them in workers’ comp
Contact Our Workers Compensation Law Firm Today
Injured on the job? We invite you to sit down with an experienced workplace injury lawyer to discuss your municipal worker injury claim. For a free consultation, call TRR toll free at 800-671-4927 or contact us online.