Off The Record – Workers’ Comp – Are You Covered During Social Work Gatherings?
Video Transcript
Hi, everyone. My name is Craig Rosasco, managing partner at the law firm of Turley, Redman & Rosasco, specializing in workers’ compensation claims, Social Security Disability, veterans claims, long-term disability. You name it. We do it all. Just call us. We’ve got you covered. Today, we gonna discuss coverage outside the office during social gatherings that are possibly employer-sponsored gatherings. So, typically, the average office employee is covered from the time they get into the office until the time they leave the office.
Any injuries, minus your lunch hour, are typically covered by the workers’ compensation law. However, let’s assume now that your employer says, “Hey, Mike. Listen, our firm is gonna play another law firm in a charity softball game tonight at 6:00.” Mike goes out, and he plays softball, and he tears his meniscus while playing second base. Mike says, “What do I do now? Do I file for disability? Do I file for workers’ compensation? Which avenue do I take?”
As long as the employer sponsored the event or directed the employee to participate, you are covered under workers’ compensation. There are hundreds of different circumstances where this rule would apply. Take your holiday party. Your employer’s paying for the holiday party. That’s why we typically don’t like our employees to go out and get intoxicated at the holiday party because any injuries that do occur during that, as it’s an employee-sponsored event, would typically be covered under workers’ compensation.
But, once again, every case scenario and social event is different, and it also depends on your job classification. So, regardless of that, call me and I’ll break it all down for you. 516-745-5666 is the number. My name is Craig Rosasco. Been practicing 25 years. As I told you on some of the other videos, there’s not a case scenario I haven’t come across and dealt with properly. So call me now. Thank you.