NEW 9/11 Workers' Comp Benefits Fact Sheet Available
Our good friends at the New York Committee for Occupational Health (NYCOSH) recently put out an excellent fact sheet on the new 9/11 workers’ compensation benefits for rescue workers and first responders. All New York workers’ compensation lawyers should distribute this fact sheet to their eligible clients and medical providers. Please print this sheet out and pass the word. The new business and labor coalition in New York, BALCONY , is doing a great job disseminating this information. Keep up the great work BALCONY!
In addition, here’s the link to the New York State Workers’ Compensation Board’s new Registration Form, WTC-12. All employees and/or volunteers who participated in rescue, recovery or cleanup operations at the World Trade Center Site or other "qualifying sites" must file this form with the Workers Compensation Board no later than August 14, 2007. This includes those participants who are not currently sick. Failure to do so may preclude you from making a workers’ compensation claim in the future. Therefore, if you were one of the heroes at Ground Zero, protect yourself and your family and do it now! Feel free to call us toll free with any questions at 1-877-NY-DBLAW.