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How Attorneys Can Help Municipal Workers Maximize Their Workers’ Compensation Claims

Are you a municipal worker in New York who suffered an injury while on the job? You may be wondering if you’re eligible for the state’s workers’ compensation benefits. Most municipal workers, except NYC Police Officers and Firefighters, are under the same system as private workers. However, they may have their own challenges during this process. For this reason, hiring an experienced workers’ comp attorney is the best way to ensure you win the benefits you deserve.

What Type Of Benefits Are NY Municipal Workers Eligible For?

Anyone who’s eligible for New York’s workers’ comp benefits, including eligible municipal workers, can qualify for the following:

  • Lost wages
  • Healthcare coverage for injuries
  • Survivor benefits if there’s a fatality
  • Rehabilitation services
  • Emergency treatments
  • Medications

However, every case is unique, so the amount and type of benefits will depend on how severe your injury is and your ability to work. A workers’ compensation attorney will review your case’s details and give you an estimate of how much you could receive.

Benefits Of Hiring An Attorney As A Municipal Worker

Hiring an attorney makes a huge difference in a municipal worker’s claim. Here are a few ways they can help you during this process:

Build A Stronger Claim

Filing a workers’ compensation claim is challenging and time-consuming when doing it on your own. A reliable attorney will guide you through the process. They’ll submit your paperwork on time and gather all the necessary information to build a strong case on your behalf.

Maximize Your Compensation

Workers’ comp benefits aren’t always guaranteed, but hiring an attorney can increase your chances. Typically, municipalities will allow you to use your sick or vacation bank to cover lost wages. Should you run out of sick/vacation time, then the workers compensation insurance company is responsible for payments. A 2018 study by Clara Analytics found that applicants who hire a lawyer get a payout that’s five times larger than those who do the process without one. Attorneys understand how to calculate your benefits and will always fight for fair compensation.

Protect Your Rights During The Claims Process

Municipal workers may deal with additional difficulties that those who work for private companies don’t go through. For example, some government employers may have specific rules and regulations that make your claim more complicated than it needs to be. Additionally – you will want any sick or vacation time used for lost wages to get restored. A workers’ compensation lawyer will help you get any compensation you’re entitled to on top of any other company benefits.

Answer Any Questions

Going through the workers’ compensation process can feel overwhelming for many first-time applicants. Having an attorney there to help you at every stage of the claim will ensure that you have everything you need for your claim to be successful. You can rely on them to explain your rights, benefits, ensure you meet key deadlines, and guide you through every step from start to finish.

Speak To Our Workers’ Compensation Lawyers

Are you a municipal worker who’s suffered a work related accident? Our New York workers’ compensation lawyers at Turley Redmond & Rosasco, L.L.P., are here to help you. We’ve been helping government workers seek compensation for their injuries for over 30 years. We also represent many local civil service unions in the area, giving us in-depth insight into your current challenges. Please contact us at 855-338-1207 to schedule a free consultation with one of our legal experts today.

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We have won some of the most complex cases and have obtained hundreds of millions of dollars in benefits, settlements, and judgments for our clients.

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