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Heavy machinery can lead to workplace accidents

Employees who work in New York factories face workplace hazards every day. The heavy machinery used in these environments are often the cause. Sometimes these workplace accidents are trivial, but other times they can lead to severe injuries. A factory worker in a neighboring state was recently the victim of one such accident that left him in serious condition.

According to news reports, the accident occurred at a bed factory in New Jersey. The victim was working to move a large pile of steel from a crane to another location. In the process, the approximately 3,500 pounds of steel shifted, which caused it to fall onto the man. The massive weight pinned both of his legs to the ground.

It took rescuers about an hour to remove the steel and free the man. No reports on his specific injuries have been released. However, the fire chief in charge of the rescue indicated that although conscious, the worker was in bad shape when taken to the hospital. An investigation is underway to determine what caused the steel to shift on the crane in the first place.

This man and other New York workers injured in workplace accidents have the right to file workers’ compensation claims. A successful claim could provide the injured party with monetary damages that could help pay medical bills as well as other accident-related expenses. A knowledgeable workers’ compensation attorney could provide advice to anyone injured in the workplace and help them file a claim as well as pursue an appeal from any claim that is initially denied.

Source:, “Worker Pinned Beneath Steel In Industrial Accident In Carlstadt“, Feb. 22, 2017

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