Governor Pataki Signs New York 9/11 Workers' Comp Bill
After a long struggle and much legislative effort by the New York Workers’ Compensation Alliance and the New York State AFL-CIO, Governor Pataki signed the 9/11 Rescue and First Responders Workers’ Compensation bill yesterday at the foot of the former World Trade Center site. In addition to the Governor, both Sheldon Silver, Joe Bruno and their fellow legislators deserve tremendous thanks and admiration for their support. For a great New York Daily News editorial on this issue, click here.
Unfortunately, New York City Mayor Mike Bloomberg, in a Scrooge-like statement, blasted the new benefits. Quoting Scrooge in Dicken’s immortal Christmas Carol, one might think that Mayor Bloomberg would like Ground Zero workers to "die and decrease the surplus population!". Sorry Mike – your a good Mayor, but your on the wrong side of this issue.
As detailed previously on this blog, this new law will allow many Ground Zero rescue workers and first responders to obtain the medical and lost wage benefits they deserve if they are currently sick or become sick in the future. In addition, the Governor signed a new bill granting 3/4 Accidental Disability pensions and death benefits to public employees who can show a link between their exposure to toxins at Ground Zero and their current disability. For the full text of the new 9/11 workers’ comp law, please click here. Any person who has questions about their eligibility for these new benefits, please feel free to call Turley Redmond & Rosasco toll free at 1-877-NY-DBLAW for a free consultation.