File for Potential 9/11 World Trade Center Workers’ Compensation Benefits by 9/11/14
Turley Redmond & Rosasco, L.L.P. would like to urge you to preserve your right to New York worker’s compensation benefits if you participated in the rescue, recovery and clean-up of the World Trade Center from 9/11/2001 through 9/12/ 2002. File a WTC-12 form ( with the New York State Workers’ Compensation Board by 9/11/14. This preserves your right to future medical and lost wage benefits, should you ever need them, if you get sick in the future.
For example, if you are diagnosed with a 9/11 related cancer any time after 9/12/2014, you will NOT be able to claim valuable monetary and medical benefits from the Workers’ Compensation Board if you do not file the WTC-12 form by September 11, 2014. Even if you are not currently sick, please protect yourself by filing a WTC-12 form TODAY. You’ll be glad you did!
Most people who worked around Ground Zero during the recovery and cleanup are eligible. You should file a WTC-12 form ( whether you were injured or not and whether you were employed or volunteered. This includes duty at Ground Zero, Fresh Kills Landfill, on the barges, the piers, and at the morgues.
All forms must be notarized and received by the Board by 9/11/14. For questions, please call us toll free at 1-877-693-2529 x123. Protect you and your family today.