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Does Social Media Impact A Workers’ Comp Claim?

It’s normal to scroll through social media and pass the time, especially when you’re recovering from a workplace injury. But using it incorrectly may impact the outcome of your claim if you’re filing one. Learn more about how social media could affect workers’ comp claims and some tips for using it while your case is ongoing.

Can Social Media Impact Your Case?

Since so many people actively share personal moments of their lives on social media nowadays, including weddings, vacations, and so on. Insurance companies know this, so your social media accounts are the first place they check whenever they start their investigation. Even one innocent looking post could serve as evidence and may be all it takes to deny your workers’ comp claim.

How To Use Social Media While Your Case Is Ongoing

Using social media while filing your workers’ comp claim doesn’t need to be risky. These practical tips to reduce any risks while your case is ongoing:

Put It On Private

You can’t delete or modify posts, but you always have the choice to make your accounts private and limit who can tag you in pictures. This way, you can use your account without worrying about prying eyes. Keep in mind, though, that any current evidence is fair game. Insurance companies may still ask for any past posts as part of their investigation.

Avoid Posting Anything Suspicious

Remember, not all posts will affect the case, and you don’t need to stop using social media altogether. Despite this, you still need to be extremely careful with what you post. Insurance companies are mainly after any instances of fraud, so anything that contradicts your claim’s evidence is a red flag.

For example, if you’re going on a family vacation over the weekend, don’t post pictures of yourself doing physical activities. Instead, post photos or videos of landscapes, food, or anything else that captures the moment without putting your case in jeopardy.

Watch Out For Friend Requests

Getting a friend request or a random follower isn’t out of the ordinary. However, that random follower could easily be someone working with your employer or the insurance company handling your claim. Be extra careful with random requests and only accept those you know until your case ends.

Don’t Delete Anything

Scrubbing your social media or deleting precious posts will only get you in trouble with the law. Spoliation, or tampering with case evidence, is illegal in New York and on a federal level. If you do this, you could face fines or even a long stint in prison. Insurance companies will also see this action as suspicious and may use it as grounds to deny your claim. If you have nothing to hide, there’s no reason why you should take such a drastic action.

Our Lawyers Are Here To Help

Are you planning on filing a claim and need further legal assistance? Our New York workers’ compensation lawyers are here to guide you through the legal process. With our help, you can build a strong case and ensure you qualify for the benefits you rightfully deserve. Please contact us online or at 855-208-7783 to schedule a free consultation with us today.

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