9/11/2010: The Rebirth of Ground Zero – One World Trade Center Rises
"U.S. Attacked" read the headline from the New York Times on 9/12/2001. Nine years ago tomorrow the former World Trade Center was taken down by two jetliners hijacked by radical Islamic terrorists associated with Al-Queda. While the physical structure of a great city landmark was reduced to rubble, the immediate deaths and continued illnesses caused by this attack continue to haunt many New Yorkers.
However, a ray of light is now shining on Ground Zero as the new One World Trade Center (formerly the Freedom Tower) rises from the ashes as seen in the recent photo above. As the New York Disability Blog has done since its inception, we again mourn those who perished at Ground Zero resulting in the largest workers’ compensation event in history. We salute those heroes who sacrificed their lives on and after that fateful day. Finally, we pray for the health of those who are currently sick or will become sick in the future.
On a related issue, it is often easy for those of us in New York to forget the victims of 9/11 who perished at the Pentagon building or in a Pennsylvania farm field. I just happen to be traveling upstate tomorrow for a West Point football game with my son, where I am sure there will be a ceremony acknowledging the impact of 9/11 on Army families throughout the country and overseas protecting us from future attacks. Please remember them in your prayers as well.